The changes made were: 10-38 no longer means steam leak. Changed to carbon monoxide codes. 10-39 was deleted 2 sub codes added under 10-40; code 3 (water leak) and code 4 (steam leak) 10-75: changed from rescue OR squad to Rescue AND squad. 10-76: added 5th truck (as the FAST truck), a squad, and a tac unit. 10-70: terminology changed. Updated by Frank Raffa's (web site) Supervising Dispatcher FDNY July 17, 1998 10-1 CALL YOUR QUARTERS OR OTHER UNIT 10-2 RETURN TO QUARTERS 10-3 CALL DISPATCHER BY TELEPHONE 10-4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 10-5 REPEAT MESSAGE 10-6 STAND BY 10-7 VERIFY ADDRESS/LOCATION 10-8 IN-SERVICE BY RADIO This signal is also used when the AT/SP is not in service and a unit is leaving quarters. CODE 1 Used only by a Division or Battalion to indicate it is in-service by radio when leaving a quarters other than its own at which it had been off the air and to which alarms had been routed. CODE 2 Used by any unit to indicate it is on the air outside its response area. When the unit returns to its response area, the dispatcher must be notified again using 10-8. 10-9 OFF THE AIR A unit will be out of radio contact. (State the reason: entering tunnel; visiting quarters; at a fire or emergency, etc.) A 10-8 is to be transmitted, with code if necessary, when contact is re-established. 10-10 UNIT LOCATION A request is made for a unit's location. The unit is to acknowledge by giving its present location. 10-11 RADIO TEST COUNT 10-12 PRELIMINARY REPORT A request by a chief officer or dispatcher for a preliminary report by the first arriving unit. The dispatcher shall relay the report to the responding units. 10-13 FIRE MARSHALL NEEDS ASSISTANCE Urgent Assist by NYPD. 10-14 ROSTER STAFFED ENGINE COMPANY Use by roster staffed Engine Companies when acknowledging a structural response. 10-18 RETURN ALL UNITS, EXCEPT 1 ENGINE AND 1 LADDER Transmitted for a fire or emergency, when in the judgment of the officer in command, conditions indicate that 1 Engine and 1 Ladder company are required. No further assistance is necessary. If the required unit(s) has not arrived, they will be notified by the dispatcher to continue responding to the location. Other responding units shall return to quarters or previous activity. The Battalion Chief need not continue to the scene after a 10-18 has been transmitted unless he deems it necessary. This decision must be based, in part, on the experience level of the officer transmitting the signal. Battalion Chiefs are to notify the dispatcher that they are 10-8 when not continuing in on a 10-18. 10-19 RETURN ALL UNITS, EXCEPT FOR 1 ENGINE OR LADDER Transmitted for a fire or emergency, when in the judgment of the officer is command, conditions indicate that 1 Engine or 1 Ladder Company is required. No further assistance is necessary. If the required unit(s) has not arrived they will be notified by the dispatcher to continue responding to the location. Other responding units shall return to quarters or other activity. The Battalion Chief need not continue to the scene after a 10-19 has been transmitted unless he deems in necessary. This decision must be based, in part, on the experience level of the officer transmitting the signal. Battalion Chiefs are to notify the dispatcher that they are 10-8 when not continuing in on a 10-19. 10-20 PROCEED AT REDUCED SPEED No warning devices are to be used and all traffic regulations are to be observed. 10-21 BRUSH FIRE 10-22 OUTSIDE RUBBISH FIRE 10-23 ABANDON/DERELICT VEHICLE FIRE (ADV) A fire in a vehicle which has no value other than salvage and no owner can be located. 10-24 AUTO FIRE A fire in a vehicle with plates or in any vehicle having a value greater than that of salvage. 10-25 MANHOLE or TRANSFORMER VAULT FIRE CODE 1 Fire has extended from the manhole or conduit into a building. CODE 2 Fire has blown one or more manhole covers, or smoke is issuing from a manhole under pressure. CODE 3 Smoke is seeping from a manhole. 10-26 FOOD ON STOVE 10-27 COMPACTOR FIRE Fire has not extended from compactor or shaft. 10-28 SUBWAY OR RAILROAD SYSTEM - FIRE, EMERGENCY OR SMOKE CONDITION (CODE REQUIRED) CODE 1 NYCTA. CODE 2 Other than NYCTA. 10-31 CLOGGED INCINERATOR Fire has not extended from shaft. 10-32 DEFECTIVE OIL BURNER Fire has not extended from fire box. 10-33 ODOR OF SMOKE A smoke condition caused by a nearby working fire or fires such as barbecues, salamanders, etc. 10-34 SPRINKLER SYSTEM EMERGENCY CODE 1 Defective sprinkler device or system (defective alarm valve, broken pipe, etc.) CODE 2 Unwarranted sprinkler alarm. Not defective (surge in pressure, people working on system, etc.) CODE 3 Sprinkler has been activated by heat source not associated with an accidental fire. 10-35 ALARM SYSTEM EMERGENCY Other than a sprinkler system. CODE 1 Defective alarm device or system. CODE 2 Unwarranted alarm. Not defective (accidentally activated by cigarette smoke; low battery, etc.) CODE 3 Recorded alarm. 10-36 AUTOMOBILE EMERGENCY Any type of automobile accident or washdown of a fuel spill. CODE 1 Washdown CODE 2 No injury or washdown CODE 3 Injury CODE 4 Extrication 10-37 ASSIST CIVILIAN First Aid or other call for assistance. CODE 1 Victim deceased CODE 2 Victim not breathing CODE 3 Victim injured 10-38 CARBON MONOXIDE RESPONSE CODE 1 DETECTOR ACTIVATION - Defective, low battery, unwarranted. CODE 2 CO INCIDENT - Readings from 1 - 9 PPM. CODE 3 CO EMERGENCY - Readings over 9 PPM. CODE 4 No detector activation during incident or emergency. 10-40 GAS OR ELECTRICAL EMERGENCY CODE 1 Gas Emergency. (Gas main leak; gas leak in structure; defective gas appliance; etc.) CODE 2 Electrical emergency. (Wires down; sparking fixture; short circuit; etc.) CODE 3 Water condition. CODE 4 Steam leak. NOTE: Do not use 10-40 where the emergency causes a structural fire. 10-41 SUSPICIOUS FIRE (CODE REQUIRED) Fire Marshall investigation is required. CODE 1 Occupied Structure or Vehicle. A Structure (commercial, residential, public), or vehicle (car, bus or train) which is occupied at the time of the fire. This also includes a vacant apartment in an occupied building, or a store with a dwelling above. CODE 2 Unoccupied Structure. A structure (commercial, residential, public) normally occupied which is unoccupied at the time of the fire. CODE 3 Unoccupied Vehicle. A vehicle (car, bus or train) with or without plates which is unoccupied a the time of the fire. CODE 4 Vacant Structure. A vacant building or building under construction or demolition. (If there are squatters or workmen in structure, transmit a CODE 1.) 10-44 PUBLIC AMBULANCE A request for a public ambulance. Specify the reason. 10-45 D.O.A. OR SERIOUS INJURY Transmitted IMMEDIATELY upon the discovery of a fatality or serious injury at a fire or emergency. This shall be followed as soon as possible with the appropriate Code and the number of victims. CODE 1 Victim Deceased CODE 2 Victim suffering serious injury. (Apparently life threatening) CODE 3 Victim suffering serious injury. (Apparently NOT life threatening.) NOTE: Do not transmit this signal for minor injuries. 10-47 POLICE RESPONSE Police assistance is needed for crowd or traffic control, security, apprehension, etc. (specify reason) 10-48 POLICE RESPONSE FOR HARASSMENT Firefighters are being harassed an police assistance is needed immediately. 10-51 CANCELLATION OF OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES Transmitted when outside activities are to be canceled. When the conditions that caused suspension of outside activities, the following message will be transmitted by radio, voice alarm and teleprinter: "All units shall resume outside activity forthwith." 10-60 MAJOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE Transmitted for a collapse, airplane crash (except airport crash boxes 0037-LaGuardia Airport, and 0269- Kennedy Airport) train derailment, or similar emergency with the potential for multiple casualties. The following will respond. 3 Engines, 2 Ladders, 3 Rescue Companies (including Res3cuE with the Collapse Unit) 5 Battalion Chiefs, 1 Tactical Service Unit, HazMat, Field Communications Unit, Squad Company 1 with Technical Response Vehicle, 1 Deputy Chief, 1 Safety Battalion. 10-70 WATER RELAY REQUIRED A notification that the first arriving engine has no positive water source and a water relay is required. 10-75 NOTIFICATION OF A FIRE OR EMERGENCY A notification signal transmitted when, in the judgment of the officer in command, conditions indicate a fire or emergency that requires a total response of the following units: 4 Engines, 2 Ladders, 2 Battalion Chiefs, 1 Rescue Company and Squad Company. Officers transmitting a 10-75 shall also state if it is for a fire or emergency and if a building is involved along with the type of building. 10-76 NOTIFICATION OF A FIRE IN A HIGH-RISE BUILDING A notification signal transmitted when, in the judgment of the officer in command, conditions indicate a fire in a high-rise building that requires a total response of the following units: 5 engines (1 is CFR), 5 Ladders (1 is fast), 3 Battalion Chiefs,Engine 3 and High Rise Unit, 1 Deputy Chief, Field Communications Unit, 1 Rescue Company, Mask Service Unit, PIO, Command Post Company, 1 Squad company, 1 Tac unit. (restricted use of Citywide frequency, for operation of the High-Rise repeater.) 10-77 HIGH-RISE MULTIPLE DWELLING FIRE High-rise multiple dwelling fire (Response of 5 engines, 5 ladders, 3 battalion chiefs, 1 deputy, 1 rescue, 1 squad, the Special Operations battalion chief, a safety coordinator, transmitted by the Incident Commander after size up and and the Safety Operating battalion chief.) 10-80 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENT The Initial notification by field units of a hazardous materials incident. Responders are to proceed with caution to avoid entering a restricted area. Code will transmitted by the Incident Commander after size up and evaluations of the incident. CODE 1 An incident confined to a small area and which does not pose an immediate threat to life or property. Can be controlled by a unit or units up to and including: 3 Engines, 2 Ladders, and 2 Battalion Chiefs. CODE 2 An incident involving a greater hazard or larger area which posses a potential threat to life or property. Following units will respond: 3 Engines, 2 Ladders, 2 Battalion Chiefs, 1 Deputy Chief, HazMat Company 1, 1 Safety Battalion and Field Communications Unit. 10-84 UNITS ARRIVED AT SCENE All units shall IMMEDIATELY transmit a 10-84 by Radio or MDT when arriving at the box of the incident. Other signals should not be given with the 10-84 except where the situation is apparent on arrival. This signal must be followed within 5 minutes by a preliminary report including the appropriate radio code signal or additional information by first arriving unit. Fire commanders and Chiefs within their command are to take necessary steps to insure that units are transmitting the 10-84 signal for responses. Chief officers shall transmit a 10-84 upon their arrival at an alarm. 10-85 FIRE MARSHALL REQUIRES ADDITIONAL UNITS Used for additional units (other than NYPD - See 10-13) 10-86 FOAM OPERATION Transmitted for a fire or emergency requiring any type of foam concentrate in addition to that carried by units on the scene. The following are to respond: 2 Foam Carriers, 1 Satellite Hose Wagon, 1 Foam Coordinator (Batt.Chief). CODE 1 Maximum amount of Flouroprotein foam required. In addition to units on the 10-86 the remainder of the Foam Carriers and all Bulk Foam Units will respond. CODE 2 Flouroprotein foam required. In addition to units on 10-86 the remainder of the Foam Carriers will respond. CODE 3 High Expansion Foam required. The High Expansion Foam Unit will respond. Units on 10-86 will also respond. NOTE: On all Special Calls for foam (Foam carrier or High Expansion Foam) the associated Engine Company will respond with both pieces of apparatus and all members. 10-91 EMERGENCY; FD NOT REQUIRED. 10-92 MALICIOUS FALSE ALARM Indicates that a false alarm was transmitted with malicious intent. 10-99 UNITS WILL BE OPERATING FOR A LEAST 30 MINUTES An operating unit or all units at an incident will be unavailable for at least 30 minutes. The unit(s) is to state the reason it will not be available.