Ladder Company 113 started out as Ladder
23 in the Brooklyn Fire Department on January 20, 1896
It became part of the Fire
Department of the City of New York and was redesignated as Ladder 113 on January 1, 1913
Ladder 13 was placed in service on Feb. 1, 1896 at Engine 41. Ladder 18 on Dec. 15, 1897 and Ladder 23 was placed in service on Jan. 20, 1896 at
Engine 49 of the Brooklyn Fire Dept.
On Jan. 28, 1898 the Brooklyn Companies became part of the Brooklyn
Queens Fire Division of the New York City Fire Dept.. On Apr. 15, 1898
Ladder 13 at Engine 41 was disbanded to organize Combination Engine
41(now Eng. 241). Ladder 23 was renumbered to Ladder 13 while Ladder 18
was renamed to Ladder 14. Brooklyn's ladders 13 thru 25 were disbanded
and assigned to the engine company that they were in with execpt for 18
& 23. By changing these two ladders (18 & 23) it kept the numbers in
order. Ladder 13 was changed to ladder 63 to avoid confusion with ladder 13 in Manhattan on October 1st, 1899. Ladder 63 became ladder 113 on January 1, 1913.
"Camp Rogers Rat's"
September 20, 1996 .
Ladder Company 113 and Engine Company 249 2/1/99 on Midwood Street Photo by Sal DellaCroce